More than just a welcome
Your ONA congregation can help change the world!
Being an Open and Affirming congregation isn’t just about welcoming lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender seekers into a congregation. An Open and Affirming Covenant is a living commitment to speak out as a partner and ally to the concerns of LGBTQIA+ people, and enabling faith communities to put their faith into action by advocating in their wider community. This might include issues
- for LGBTQ+ youth in your community, especially in public and charter schools where they can face cyber bullying, verbal abuse, and physical assault.
- for eliminating harmful practices such as Conversion Therapy, especially for youth and young adults.
- for basic civil rights. Marriage was legalized for all people by the Supreme Court in 2015. However, we have recently seen a push to roll back that right and others.
- for LGBTQ+ seniors who aren’t safe in their nursing and retirement homes, and who need the support of a church family.
- for transgender citizens who face discrimination in employment and housing, and whose basic medical needs often aren’t covered by health insurance.
- for transgender youth whose access to gender affirming care is under attack.
- for LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers who face persecution and imprisonment, or worse.
- for the millions affected by HIV worldwide who are denied the treatment and medicines they need to live.
information for advocacy
Make a difference—in your community, in your state, and beyond.
Every small step you take towards justice and human rights brings us closer to the reign of God in which everyone is wanted, everyone is welcome, no one is left behind. Use these resources to open windows to new possibilities for ministry and mission for your church, and contact the Coalition if you need support!
Looking for additional resources?
Explore the Tools for Advocacy page for links to additional regional, national, and faith-based resources.