Transgender Day of Remembrance 2023

By UCC Coalition | November 20, 2023

A message from Dr. Katrina Roseboro-Marsh, Executive Director:

On this Trans Day of Remembrance, we reflect on Psalm 139:14, as we are reminded that each person is fearfully and wonderfully made by God. We reflect that Galatians 3:28 reminds us that in Christ, there is neither male nor female, for we are all one. With these God-truths we pause, remember, mourn, and honor the lives of our transgender siblings who were tragically taken from us through hate and violence showing up by way of transphobia and discrimination. We grieve for our siblings, our partners, our loved ones, our friends, knowing that God’s heartbreaks with us for the injustices they faced. But we also carry their memory forward, dedicating ourselves to building a society where transphobia and violence have no place. We reflect, we remember, and we affirm; we affirm every Transpersons inherent worth and dignity. We affirm and honor their contributions to our communities. We affirm that gender diversity is a reflection of God’s creativity and love, and therefore Transgender individuals are an integral part of God’s diverse creation, and we celebrate their unique identities and experiences.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to challenge injustice and oppression. Isaiah 1:17 reminds us to seek justice, defend the oppressed, and bring about systemic change. May our hearts be filled with empathy, our voices be raised in solidarity, and our actions be guided by love, as we challenge harmful stereotypes, advocate for inclusive policies, dismantle systemic barriers that hinder full inclusion in society, and create affirming communities grounded in love, understanding, and validation. Yes, we mourn and remember, but we also affirm and celebrate those taken from us, and those holding the torches they left here.